You can find my “short and sweet” trip updates by clicking the purple “Listen Now” button above, accompanied by a few recent photos and captions of my trip below 😊
In case you missed any previous posts, you can find them here:
Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement, endless support, and for following me along this journey. It means the world to me to be able to share my adventures with all of you!
Big Hugs! ❤️ Noah
I posted this picture in the last post as well…but wanted to reintroduce the city of Cairo to you all! It was so cool to see the ancient history of the pyramids overlooking the hustle and bustle of modern-day Cairo
Always method to the madness! Seeing the transporting of goods in many developing cities we have visited is always fascinating to wacth!
Khan El Khalili, the old town of Cairo
Papyrus paper is considered the oldest paper in the world! The inside of the papyrus plant is cut and peeled into long strips and then laid out in two layers, one horizontal and one vertical, which are then pressed and dried to form a papyrus sheet. We saw a demonstration of the process and got to touch and play with it firsthand. It is incredible how strong and durable it is. Very difficult to rip or tear and it is also waterproof! 💪 😮
Admiring the beauty of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Even cooler than I had imagined
My attempt at an optical illusion 😜
Alongside the Pyramid of Khufu (aka The Great Pyramid), Khafre & Menkaure
A rare glimpse from inside the Pyramid of Khufu.
It was not an easy hike in. Things got pretty tight!
National Museum of Egyptian Civilization - A brand-new museum that houses an incredible number of mummies dating back to 2000 BC! – No pictures were allowed inside the mummy section of the museum, but it was pretty incredible to see how well the bodies (through the embalmment process) have been preserved (in many cases with and hair fingernails still intact). To ensure the continued preservation, each mummy has its own specific temperature and humidity setting. We saw various mummies including Hatshepsut, Ramses II, and Ramses III.
The Great Sphinx - measuring over 240ft long and 60ft high was built in ~2500 BC. Widely considered one of the most recognizable statues in the world
We stayed directly in the Giza Plateau and thus had incredible access to views of the pyramid from our hotel rooftop 👀
Our views from the hotel came with “complementary access” to a sound and light show every night! ie they couldn’t stop us from peaking and listening in! 😉
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